Monday, December 2, 2013

Hi Everyone. I am new to the Blogging thing, but I do have a type of Blog on Facebook called Chasing Colton. It is a page that follows my son in his medical issues. So I thought if I could do that and run a photography business I could surely do this. I have a dear friend named Lia that Blogs and Reviews so she will be helping me and walking me through all that I need to know.


  1. Dear RWilkey,
    You'll find more than just little ol' me to help you through your blogging journey. If you need anything, there are many of us that are there and helping out other bloggers. I'll make sure that you're on the right path and other's will help along the way and they may give you advice that will take you further than I have gotten so far. If so, run wild with it. You and the family deserve it! I've given you and the blog a shoutout on Google+ and getting ready to do so on other sites as well.

  2. Thank you so much Lia, for all of your help!!
